• Whistleblower Hotline

    Whistleblower HotlineHeroSlider

Konica Minolta values honesty, integrity and fairness in all aspects of its business activities and expects these values and ethical behaviour to be upheld at all times. Konica Minolta expects the same from all its business partners and stakeholders.

The role of whistleblowing

Whistleblowing helps us counter any violations of our values and ethical behaviour at an early stage and so reduce or avert damage to Konica Minolta, our employees, our business partners, our indirect suppliers and other stakeholders. We have therefore created a whistleblower hotline that allows employees, business partners and third parties to report any indications of unethical behaviour or unlawful actions.

The whistleblowing process

We use the NAVEX electronic whistleblowing system, which ensures anonymity and confidentiality – unless the person making the report expressly desires otherwise.

The receipt of a report is acknowledged within seven (7) calendar days. A plausibility check is then carried out and the required preparatory measures are initiated. If necessary, ad hoc measures are initiated.

With the involvement of specialised departments, the reported issue is investigated and assessed. After analysing the cause, appropriate measures are taken to remedy the situation, and are subsequently followed up. All communication between Konica Minolta and the whistleblower takes place using the whistleblowing system.

Discriminatory treatment of whistleblowers in connection with the reporting of possible misconduct is prohibited.

Reports must be based on valid reasons that lead the whistleblower to believe that the reported facts are true (reporting in good faith). If it is determined that false information has been knowingly reported, appropriate action may be taken against the whistleblower, depending on the applicable legal system.

When not to use the whistleblower hotline

Do not use the whistleblower hotline:

  • As an emergency service. To report anything that poses an immediate danger to life, limb or health, contact the relevant authorities, such as the fire brigade or police.
  • To initiate customer enquiries or complaints. Instead, please contact your personal customer advisor.

Policy and hotline access

Read our whistleblowing policy
Access our whistleblower hotline here:
EthicsPoint - Konica Minolta


You can also contact our Governance & Compliance Team with any questions or reports:
Phone: +49-511-7404-0