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  • M-Files

    Intelligent Information Management Solution


In today’s competitive business climate, the key is to identify the data that is useful so that we can make informed decisions based on accurate, up-to-date information. Under such testing conditions, it is crucial that organisations of all kinds optimise and increase the efficiency and productivity of their business processes continuously if they are to remain a step ahead of their competitors.

Deploying an intelligent information management system allows organisations to benefit from the quality, integrity, and accuracy of their critical information. Information management can also be used as a means of controlling risk, guaranteeing compliance, enabling consistent workflows and operating procedures, and harmonising processes.


M-Files helps you:


  • Find your information fast by letting you reach informed decisions based on your company’s latest data 
  • Access any relevant data across a range of different repositories using a single platform
  • Cut your costs by offering fast access to this company-relevant data
  • Increases your company’s productivity by creating accelerated, transparent workflows
  • Promote interdepartmental collaboration
  • Increase your ROI

Why switching from paper-intensive to digitalised processes with M-Files has a positive impact on your sustainability

On average, 50% of a company's waste is paper
, and 
approximately 1 billion trees' worth of paper is discarded in the U.S. alone each year
. Therefore, reducing paper consumption can help reduce the sustainability burden of disposing of or recycling paper waste.  
The digitisation of paper documents and paper-intensive processes, such as invoicing, not only reduces the need for paper and other consumables, but also increases operational efficiency, reduces storage costs, and enable quick access to timely and relevant information. Paper-based processes also require significantly more manual steps, making them more prone to errors and therefore increase the possibility of generating potential waste.   
Intelligent Information Management solutions such as M-Files enable the digitisation and automation of even more extensive processes – such as digital personnel files, digital invoice management, digital contract management and many more.

M-Files multiplies the power of Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 apps make content authoring and collaboration quick and easy, but information management is often overlooked. M-Files helps optimise your investment in Microsoft 365 by improving support for business processes and information governance. M-Files integrates into Microsoft 365 and acts as the single point of access for all enterprise data.

Konica Minolta

As a Microsoft Global Managed Partner, Konica Minolta can help you get the best out of
Microsoft 365 apps
and the platform's extensive capabilities to help you increase teamworking efficiency and productivity, and take your business forward into the future.

Konica Minolta
M-Files Overview

M-Files enterprise information management (EIM) solutions improve and simplify how businesses manage documents and other information in order to become more productive, more efficient and stay compliant. Find, share, and secure documents and information quickly and easily with M-Files -- even in the most demanding, compliance-driven industries.

  • Metadata-driven – Find information fast, no matter where it is stored
  • Can be deployed flexibly in a cloud, on your business premises, or in a hybrid format
  • Easy mobile working - Can be accessed on all devices
  • Easy collaboration
  • Meet compliance standards, with all data backed up using a comprehensive authorization concept
  • M-Files complements MS 365 and other repositories / systems by adding the information management layer and creates a single source of truth
  • Simple, yet highly configurable to ensure all business processes are supported
  • Award winning Solution -  Gartner, Forrester, Nucleus Research

M-Files Knowledge Work Automation
M-Files Knowledge Work Automation
Discover how you can solve the challenges of knowledge work with an automation platform.
M-Files Brochure
M-Files Brochure
Discover M-Files – the intelligent Enterprise Information Management Solution.