• Universal Design & Accessibility

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Enhanced Accessibility

  1. Front access makes it easy for any user to refill paper or replace toner cartridges, quickly and without hassle; large handles are easy to grip and facilitate handling.
  2. Ergonomic paper trays can be pulled out with the minimum of effort, and handles grasped from above as well as below.
  3. Large touchscreens can be tilted to any angle using a handle located beneath the panel.
  4. A free-stop feature minimises the physical effort required to lift the ADF, even while seated; this is made easier still by an optional 'assist handle'.
  5. Free app download (bizhub Remote Access) makes it possible to operate the display from an Apple or Android smartphone or tablet.

Enhanced User Accessibility & Visibility

Konica Minolta produces devices that are accessible to anyone – regardless of their age, experience, body size or special needs. Our Universal Design ensures our devices are easy to reach, simple to operate, and logical in design and convenience, making it easy for our products to be used by people with a physical disability or visual impairment. Konica Minolta's Universal Design Guidelines are based on "The Principles of Universal Design", conceived and developed by The Center for Universal Design at North Carolina State University.

improved visibility

  1. Large, logically-structured touchscreen This is easy to operate, and features characters which can be enlarged up to 16 times to improve readability.
  2. Voice guidance Native voice guidance explains functions and voice commands; volume and speed of this voice can be adjusted to suit the user's individual needs.
  3. Contrasting colours A dark grey background and bright, consistent colouring, especially for keys used frequently, make steps in operation faster, easier and more precise.
  4. Bright orange and blue LEDs These are clearly visible; simple layout requires no previous experience or special skills to begin operation.
  5. Colour coding Identifies similar actions and clearly indicates critical machine parts, avoiding potential harm to the user.
Konica Minolta Accessibility Pack

Universal Design at Konica Minolta follows a clear vision: accessible products, usable by anyone, young or old, trained or temporary, experienced or not

Universal Design Brochure

Making our products easy To use – for everyone

Universal Design Brochure