Optimised video surveillance for better protection of industrial sites
Rector Lesage, a specialist manufacturer of floor, wall and structural elements made from pre-stressed and reinforced concrete, opted for the support of Konica Minolta when it decided to convert its video surveillance installations on two production sites: Verberie (Oise) and Tours (Indre-et-Loire). This partnership is set to be extended to other factories in Europe in 2019. In the case of the Verberie factory, the task involved extending the video surveillance system by adding 6 cameras to the 17 existing ones, as well as replacing the video management software and the server. In Tours, the installation was fully overhauled. The new installation incorporates a smartphone alert system.
Already impressed with the efficiency of the document management solutions offered by Konica Minolta, Rector Lesage was won over by Konica Minolta's experience in video surveillance. It was the quality of the audits, the reputation and the performance of the Mobotix hardware which proved decisive. Konica Minolta has a 65% holding in Mobotix, the leading group in its sector.
Optimising the video surveillance installations on various industrial sites
Based in Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin), Rector Lesage has become one of the major players on the concrete materials manufacturing market. Its 17 production sites divided between France and its four European subsidiaries (Belgium, Poland, Russia and Slovakia) are very large in scope, with a total surface area of more than 8000 m².
Maxime Mensch, the Head of Industrial IT for the Rector Lesage Group, is responsible for production, networks and video surveillance IT: “The presence of tools and stocks of scrap mean that we need surveillance of all points of access to our sites. However, the detection installations we have could also be used in future for access control, with facial and licence plate recognition. They could also help reinforce the protection of our staff, by detecting any accidents more quickly.”
A trusted partner
Konica Minolta has a long-standing partnership with the Rector Lesage Group, managing its fleet of multi-purpose equipment and printers. As such, a relationship of trust has been established with Maxime Mensch with regard to industrial document management. “My role is to provide technical support and advice to Group factories, liaising with the Safety Manager of at site on matters of video surveillance. When two sites, Verberie and Saint-Pierre-des-Corps (Tours), asked me for an upgrade to their video surveillance installations, I agreed to include Konica Minolta in the consultation. I have to say that I have not been disappointed.” The quality of dialogue in the pre-sale phase, including on-site audits and demonstrations, was deemed highly persuasive. “I trusted them, and the profile of the Mobotix brand was a plus. But what swayed the decision and encouraged us to contemplate a comprehensive partnership for sites which want support – since they can choose to handle it by themselves – is the quality of our counterparts at Konica Minolta.”
Maxime Mensch
Head of Industrial IT, Rector Lesage
"I am impressed with Konica Minolta' across-theboard focus on technology monitoring. The new technologies are promising, and I am regularly informed of their potential. Licence plate and facial recognition are definitely part of our security thinking for the near future."
Recommendations tailored to each site context
As an IT services integrator, Konica Minolta protects companies’ data and information capital, thanks to its expertise in IT security, document management and printing solutions. Teaming up with Mobotix (as majority shareholder) has enabled it to develop a comprehensive offering, extending to the protection of people and property, thereby catering for the whole of the electronic security market.
Rector Lesage wanted to add to the existing site video surveillance system, covering the access points, the perimeter of the buildings and the inside of the production building. The existing installation comprised 17 Mobotix cameras, Mx Control Center video management software, and a physical server on-site. Based on the audit conducted in the factory and the dialogue with the players in-situ, Konica Minolta supplemented the site coverage by installing 6 new cameras. The server was replaced, along with the video management system, by the Mx Management Center solution.
Recordings are made upon motion detection, and stored on the local NAS server. The Mx Management Center solution enables live viewing, playback of the recordings and also extraction of sequences, which are kept for 30 days. All the cameras are secure, protected by a login/password; the video flows and recordings are encrypted to further reinforce video data security.
The smaller Tours site approved a video surveillance system comprising 8 Mobotix cameras, controlled by a video management system identical to the one at Verberie. An on-site NAS storage bay keeps the recordings for 30 days. “Unlike at Verberie, the recordings are made continuously. Another original feature of the installation is the option to alert duty staff via a smartphone notification in case of an intrusion. This also triggers a deterrent audio device.” This arrangement is a perfect illustration of the enhancement provided by the IoT functions of the Mobotix cameras, featuring electronic intelligence for efficient automated security scenario control.
“The feedback from my contacts on both sites has been very positive. The understanding of the contexts and the definition of requirements have been sufficiently in-depth to ensure perfectly adapted solutions. The image quality, network design and commissioning time were points singled out for praise by Verberie and Saint-Pierredes-Corps. Requests issued by other Group sites are to be handled in 2019, and the partnership with Konica Minolta should only go from strength to strength,” says Maxime Mensch.
- Increased security
- Live viewing
- Playback of recordings and extraction of sequences, which are kept for 30 days
- Optimising video surveillance
- Increase security
- Installation of 6 new cameras (Verberie)
- Replacing the server and video managing system by implementing Mx Management Center solution (Verberie)
- Video surveillance system compromising 8 Mobotix cameras, controlled by a video management system (Saint-Pierre-des-Corps)